
French Language Arts

The French program is divided into 5 categories: Listening/Speaking, Reading, Writing, and Understanding Cultural Differences.

The students will learn to communicate ideas and information effectively in various settings. They will listen and view purposefully to develop understanding.

They will read a variety of materials and show understanding by retelling, following direction, inferring, drawing conclusion and responding critically. They will also use strategies to anticipate, predict and confirm meaning.

The students will learn to effectively communicate ideas in a variety of written forms (poems, stories, reports letters, posters, descriptions, webs, charts, and symbols).

They will identify elements of Francophone cultures in Canada and the world and demonstrate satisfaction in being able to communicate in both French and English.

They will write words of the week every week on Tuesdays to enrich their vocabulary, work on grammar and work on spelling. They will study different aspects of French grammar (verb tenses, adjectives, nouns etc in context) which are important for efficient communication.

English Laguage Art

The English program is divided into 3 categories: Oral Language, Reading and finally Viewing and Writing and Representing.

They will present and express ideas in formal and informal situations. They will select and use strategies when expressing ideas, information and feelings.

They will read a variety of literary  materials and informational texts and demonstrate comprehension. They will read for 30 minutes daily. They will use strategies: predict, construct, confirm and use personal connections.

They will create personal writing to extend their own thinking and express their opinion. They will also write to communicate information. They will use different strategies to generate and develop ideas. They will use strategies to revise and edit and apply writing conventions.

They will have spelling tests on Fridays from the list on Spelling city.